Tibetan Girl in Front of Gate

  • Liu Ren
  • 38 x 48 x 0 Inches  
  • Oil Painting
  • 2009   China
A Tibetan girl sits leisurely in front of a gate, smiling gently. Her traditional dress is wonderfully colorful; this is her regular attire. The white, auspicious hada--a long and narrow silk scarf that embodies purity--catches the breeze behind her. Life is tough for most Tibetans, but their complaints are few. They make the most of what they have and do their best to keep up their spirits.

Width : 38 Inches

Height : 48 Inches

Depth : 0 Inches

Weight : 0 lbs

available stock: 1

  • $0
  • Total: $0

Tibetan Girl in Front of Gate

  • Liu Ren